Primary healthcare (PHN) data
MyHealthyCommunities is an Australian Government website managed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). The public availability of statistics and data at a local Primary Health Network (PHN) is meant to drive improvements, increase transparency and accountability within the health system.

Interactive tools allow you to filter on characteristics, time period and location. Available data can be downloaded as maps or as an Excel spreadsheet.
A recent report on Out of Pocket spending on Medicare services in 2016-17 quantified what we all know from our trips to the GP or specialist with half of all patients (10.9 million people) incurring out-of-pocket (OOP) costs for non-hospital Medicare services last financial year. OOP were paid by:
- 34% of patients who had a GP service,
- 72% of patients attending a specialist appointment,
- 23% of patients had costs for diagnostic imaging services,
- 44% of patients requiring obstetric services.
The data and user friendly graphics are easily accessible. In addition to the 31 PRNs, results are presented for smaller local areas, known as SA3s, of which there are approximately 300. Have a look at the Excel download to get an appreciation of the depth of the data. Below is the landing screen for the new interactive web tool which allows you to see variation across similar local areas by remoteness and socioeconomic status.
Another great initiative well executed by the AIHW.